Congratulations to all the selected films in Kadoma International Film Festival 2019! The award announcements such as Best Films, Best Actors & Actresses, Osakan Governor’s awards, and Kadoma Mayor’s awards, will be held at the last day of the festival, July 28th (Sun) at 4:00 PM.

Kadoma International Film Festival 2019 will be held during the last week of July:
July 24 (Wed) – 28 (Sun), at Kadoma City Community Center.

We advertised in 12 languages and had more than 1,000 entries from all across the world. We proudly present the best films as our official selection.

Narratives, Documentaries, Dances, Animations, and Theatrical Performances & Tourisms (both Japanese domestic only).

We once again collaborate with the New York Japan CineFest this year to show a special selection of their best films. New York Japan CineFest will choose what they think best from our selections and show them in their festivals in such cities as New York, Washington, D.C., Houston, Boston, and San Francisco.

With our 5-Day Pass, you can enjoy all of the offerings at Kadoma International Festival 2019, for only 2,000 Yen!



門真国際映画祭2019 プログラム

門真国際映画祭2018 グランプリ作品「蝉時雨」上映決定!


海外作品部門 短編映画のご案内です!(日本語字幕あります!)

海外作品部門 長編映画のご案内です!(日本語字幕あります!) 



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