Kadoma International Film Festival takes place in the city of Kadoma located on the east side of Osaka prefecture. It is a three-day celebration supported by movie-loving Kadomanians!

How far do you think the history of Kadoma go back? About 3,500 years ago! The prehistoric cite of Nishi-Sanso, located on the west side of Kadoma, has found the potteries from that period.

Kadoma International Film Festival is a celebration for cinema enthusiasts, taking place in the city of Kadoma located on the east side of Osaka prefecture. How do you get here you ask? Connected by highway and Osaka Monorail, Kadoma has good access from Kansai International Airport and Itami Airport, as well as to the cities of Osaka, Kobe, Nara, and Kyoto.

The history of Kadoma goes far back. How far back you ask? The time the ancestors settled in is believed to be the Jomon period, about 3,500 years ago! The prehistoric cite of Nishi-Sanso, located on the west side of Kadoma, has found the potteries from that period.




門真国際映画祭2019 プログラム

門真国際映画祭2018 グランプリ作品「蝉時雨」上映決定!


海外作品部門 短編映画のご案内です!(日本語字幕あります!)

海外作品部門 長編映画のご案内です!(日本語字幕あります!) 



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